2020 – The Rat Race called Social Media

As we enter into the New Year, let me begin with some good wishes for all of you. May 2021 be a promising year for the industry and may well being prevail in all.

2020 has seen many changes in multiple ways. What I observed the most was the chase to be seen, be successful and be heard online. All brands small or big were taking part in this race for who is greater on social media? Budgets varied from low to high to very low and everyone struggled to survive the slump.

Somehow in this whole race we seem to have forgotten why social media was created in the first place!!!

It was never a business proposition or a place where you could sell or buy! The whole idea was to be visible for an audience small or large or maybe very large. The more popular someone became the more they were seen or heard. That was how people were visible. And yes if someone liked what was being shown they bought or procured for themselves.

Slowly the trend began of showcasing on social media platforms and more platforms started coming up. Seeing the opportunity the whole thing went viral and people went crazy, or should I say greedy. Some blew up a load of money, some made loads of money and some struggled in the depression that social media did not give them anything.

People failed to understand that likes never bring in money. The variety of content that was posted and sailed around turned from interesting to dirty and so many more things on the way!

Many eager social media platforms started advertising and took out schemes and people followed like mice followed Peter Pan.  Then the whole thing became a rat race and everyone participated.

As a branding agency, we look after social media platforms and come across so many (read almost all) who want our services only for online sales through social media and by god they come with very small pockets to invest and smaller pockets of patience.

It is important to be visible, have good content and shine with what you post. If your product is great all is well. That is all that is needed.

Chasing sales on social media platforms is a rat race we should not be part of at all, as there is no fun in that. Ultimately we lose.

Moreover sales based on relationship marketing is more reliable and trustworthy, shows results too! A good agency guides you and creates relatable content on your social accounts that is what takes you places automatically. Never rely on sales through social media platforms.

If they happen great, if they do not – don’t fret! Keep working!

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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