2020 – The Rat Race called Social Media

As we enter into the New Year, let me begin with some good wishes for all of you. May 2021 be a promising year for the industry and may well being prevail in all.

2020 has seen many changes in multiple ways. What I observed the most was the chase to be seen, be successful and be heard online. All brands small or big were taking part in this race for who is greater on social media? Budgets varied from low to high to very low and everyone struggled to survive the slump.

Somehow in this whole race we seem to have forgotten why social media was created in the first place!!!

Continue reading 2020 – The Rat Race called Social Media

Geetanjali Kaul, G Caffe CEO & Creative Director

Make a branding wish in 2020

There are two very important words that take us on this journey we call success, one is Branding and the other is Advertising (read Marketing). I’m still waiting for the time when people can differentiate between the two or should I say three. This whole year has gone by and I’m struggling to teach people the difference between Branding and Marketing. Often mistaken to be the same.

Well when you launch a product or service you need a lot of branding to take it where you want it to go. Marketing and Advertising come way later. It’s amazing how brand owners or start-ups can plan their rise even before they start. I do appreciate their vision that’s what gives wings to their business but the impatience is so overpowering.

I’m sure the other people in my profession agree totally to what I’m saying. Continue reading Make a branding wish in 2020