Amazing Amazon celebrates ‘Mother’

Amazon India has come up with a series of new advertisements targeting the youth and mothers. An online shopping paradise, Amazon has touched all the chords with this ad campaign. It has shot three videos showing how you can bring happiness back into your mother’s life.

Continue reading Amazing Amazon celebrates ‘Mother’

A 1000 words which melted

The sun is setting, the long road winding, black smoke billowing across all over …and I see lights, traffic, cars, and more cars and cars everywhere.

My feet are aching because of the continuing long drive; so is my back. Ah! Can some coffee satiate us with its aromatic variations! Can we both burst into some more happy moments travelling together, reaching home with dimples!

The tiring day is leading to a comfortable silence, inside our car.

And… the phone rings.

He picks the phone and says ‘Hello’ sternly. As he hears the sound from the other side, his voice then melts unbelievably like butter.

No it is not his girlfriend or wife. It is his mother. Oh… so soft and sweet like honey dew he sounds for the next 15 minutes and sort of cascades to his childhood.

He makes a few demands, talks of a few complaints, returns some thank you notes and solicits few gifts …just like when he was a five-year-old. Now a child… he laughs out his heart and smiles ear-touchingly.

I too smile all the way through …thinking about the word – mother, which is so good to hear and even better to say. Mother – it surely is the sweetest word in the universe.

How innocently he is smiling even now, even as the conversation is over – nostalgia revisiting. I am now thinking of my mother too and also about my children who so complete me… I am lost …in happiness.

I reach home, log in, open Facebook …and I see this amazing picture of a mother and son. A picture which says a 1000 words.

Need I say more…

Dana & Martin

Dana & Martin

“For God so loved the word, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” [Verse – John 3:16 – Holy Bible]