Dreams meaning

My Bloody Dream

Do you interpret your dreams? Maybe only when they are disturbing I guess, as happy dreams don’t disturb you at all. Happy dreams leave you with a surreal feeling on longing and desire which one wants to carry forever.

Well, I had the other kind of dream, multiple times. Yes, the bloody kind in which you see blood, wake up sweating, scared and a palpating heart. Also I saw the same person which was my sweet dog Truffle, and I saw him hurt badly with blood on his body, which left me disturbed for a few days.

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Then I started asking and interpreting the dreams, as to why would I dream in this manner and think of such a situation when it does not exist in real life.

The result I found was that when you have to take some strong decisions you tend to get these kind of dreams. And there are many ways you interpret blood in dreams, like it is outside the body, on the body, dripping down, sucked in, no blood, too much blood, droplets of blood, pools of blood and many more. Each interpreted a different reason like insecurity, upcoming menstrual in women, hormonal changes, physical changes, psychological changes and many more.

Well after I read a detailed article I found that my reason for dreaming of blood in the manner I did was not so bad which felt good and I was satisfied. Continue reading My Bloody Dream